USA – RoadTrip Auf der Suche nach der blinden fliegenden Kuh

Team 1: Erster Abflug

Graz, 5:40, die Frisur haelt! Date mit dem Personenabgrabscher. „Er hat so zarte Haende“, Jochen.

Eine Reaktion zu “Team 1: Erster Abflug”

  1. warrant officer

    hi folks,

    looks great, I mean the pics not U people 😉

    by the way, myself and the crew are all day’s in very boring meerting’s and briefing’s with the handover/takeover delegation’s about Camp Eagle Base in Bosnia

    the americans left step by step the camp and the airfield will be closed in the middle of december this year, I will chance my job as an administration officer (camp owner element-camp eagle base) to the boss
    from the billeting office, together with an NCO from portugal

    from my side I wish U people a very good time in the united states of america and canada

    best regards

    cu soon

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